Hot Springs population density is 5,000 people per square mile, making it an area with an abundance of open space. It is also an area that houses the most wealth per square mile. Recent studies have shown hot layers of rock that lie beneath the city are easily accessible in Hot Springs. The discovery of these areas led the wealthy to flock here in the early part of WBD City history. Prospective businesses have interest in injecting water into wells dug down to the hot layers of rock that lie beneath the city. The super heated water that returns could be used to drive turbines, producing electricity for the region. 
     The citizens of Hot Springs want to maintain their high standard of living, and see their access to this naturally occurring, renewable geothermal energy as a threat to their way of life. They want to stop large scale geothermal companies from entering Hot Springs. Citizens are concerned about the impact this energy source will have on the geography.  The citizens of Hot Springs want to hold onto the area where their residents work, live and play.

Danie Bross - Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires geothermaldmadonnadanielle


Anonymous said...

You do understand that hydroelectricity isnt 100 percent clean right? It releases methane gasses and co2. Why have you been keeping then people in the dark about this?

Anonymous said...

I am sorry if mistaken but we are geothermal energy not hydroelectricity.