On the outskirts of Weebuiltdis City, and neighboring the higher elevations of Motivator Mountain, sits this middle-class, blue collar neighborhood.  Fossilton is a community with a population density of 10,000 people per square mile. Fossilton was formed as a municipality with the 2013 merger of Blackrock and Frackburg.  Prospective energy companies feel that this area of the city could contain an incinerator that would use the fossil fuels supply from our area to generate electricity cheaply and efficiently. 

The citizens in Fossilton are looking to avoid fossil fuel energy companies from entering into its community. Although it provides economic opportunities, they want to avoid the pollution and geographic impacts that fossil fuel production creates. Citizens in this area voted for government representatives that understand the benefit education and research can have on the local economy and avoid getting  the area involved in  long-term agreements with fossil fuel energy companies.    

Fossilton - Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires Fossiltonbss11402662454


Anonymous said...

Will you remove people from their land to put down your drills? Also what is your response to the allegations to flammable water?

New York Natural said...

Citizens will not be removed from their homes or their land for the use of their land for hydraulic fracturing. New York Natural, the drilling company for Frackburg, will only be using the land that is not being used for housing. As for the allegations to flammable water, the Environmental Protection Agency said, "In no case have we made a definitive determination that the fracking process has caused chemicals to enter groundwater," in April 2012.

New York Natural said...

A link to that information,
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under: Zero Incidents Mailer and Natural Gas is Energizing Communities